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حسام حسين لبش

رئيس التحرير: حسام حسين لبش

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6 عادات صباحية خاطئة تدمر يومك.. تخلص منها الآن!

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How Bed Frames Affect Sleep Quality: The Science Behind Comfort

The bed frame is the main support system for any bed, providing the necessary stability for it to stand on its own. Now, the type of material used to make the bed frame varies, depending on factors such as the strength of the material and its resistance to corrosion, among other things.

Most homeowners, as well as hotel owners, pay great attention to the bed frame because it plays a crucial role in the comfort of guests. So, if you visit a hotel anywhere in the world, whether in the United Arab Emirates or any European country, you will find the hotel owner giving great importance to the design of the bed and the levels of comfort it provides. Therefore, you should consider getting a super king bed frame for maximum comfort, plenty of sleeping space, and a luxurious addition to your bedroom.

Improving your sleep cycle with the right type of bed

In the first part of this blog post, you will learn about the different components of the bed or its frame in detail. In the second part of this post, you will learn about the ways in which the bed frame contributes to the quality of a person’s sleep.

The bed frame is the flat horizontal part of the bed that directly supports the mattress. The frame can be made of wood or metal such as brass or iron. In the case of modern beds made of wrought iron, the frame is also made of wrought iron. In most cases, box beds are made of wood. Box beds are those types of beds that have a storage space resembling a box inside the bed. Sometimes, a bed may have side rails, usually made of steel.

Components of a Bed Frame

Every bed frame has three to four basic components such as the headboard, footboard, side rails, and so on. In the case of a large double bed (Queen or King size), there is a central support bar. The large bed may also have a foot extension at the bottom end to provide additional stability for the giant bed. Sometimes, the center edge or central support may have horizontal slats placed across the vertical edge, which may provide additional support and thus extra comfort for the person sleeping on the bed.

What is the relationship between your bed frame and your sleep?

The proper bed frame prevents sagging

A strong and uniform bed frame, especially those with a central support bar, prevents sagging whenever the person sleeps on the bed. Therefore, no matter what your height or weight is; if you have a sturdy bed frame, you can sleep comfortably throughout the night.

Improving airflow

The better the airflow in the bed, the better the sleeping person’s comfort levels. Some bed frames have slight inclinations in their basic structure. Beds with these inclinations provide better sleep for everyone.

No wood cracking sound

Sometimes, if the bed frame is made of wooden chips, it may make a cracking sound whenever the person sleeps on the bed. The cracking sound can be very annoying and may disrupt the person’s sleep cycle. Therefore, bed frames that do not make any cracking sound, regardless of the material they are made of, are considered great for sound sleep.

Often, the cracking sound comes from damaged wood layers. When the consecutive layers of wood that make up the wooden layer start to separate from each other, it leads to the sound of cracking. So, if you want to buy a wooden bed made of wood layers, make sure that the wood layers are of good quality and that there is a minimum warranty period that ensures the wood layers remain intact for a long time.

Adjustable bed frames and sleep apnea

Beds that can be inclined at a good angle are very effective for people who suffer from sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is a condition where a person cannot breathe in the middle of their sleep. So, if you suffer from sleep apnea, buying a bed that can be inclined can be comfortable.

Final words

Getting the right bed frame can be a great way to have a peaceful sleep. So, if you wake up frequently from sleep or have difficulty sleeping, it may be good to reconsider your bed frame and make changes that suit your needs.

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